Saturday, November 2, 2013

Triathlon – An Individual Sport??? Maybe not…

Triathlon is referred to as an “individual sport,” which is true until one takes a little wider view and deeper look. Yes, the athlete is out there swimming, biking and running by him/herself having to persevere to get to the finish line.  But, for most athletes there are people behind the scenes that have done things to make it all possible. A loving spouse, cheering children, friends who have been supportive, athletes that “push” during training, but are a super fun community to hang out with, shops and companies who have given the athlete a special deal of some type to help them have the solid gear to train and race with…all these, are part of the “team.”

I’m SO thankful for the team that surrounds me and encourages me in my training and racing. First, there is Jen my wife. Though not into endurance sports herself, she’s endured me and my craziness for 37 yrs. now – guess that should count. She’s followed me around the world, washed a
Just found out I had won Nationals 
ton and  half of sweaty clothes, lifted me up when I’ve been discouraged and cried tears of joy for me when I’ve done really well in big races. She’s my one-and-only, life time  Ironmate. My parents have also been incredibly interested and supportive, praying for me and attending races as they are able though both in their 80s. The rest of my immediate family, extended family and friends are part of the “team.”  My friend in Phoenix, Randy, is what I call my Emotional Coach. He’s one of my biggest supporters, but is never afraid to tell it like it is, calling me out when I have a wimpy attitude telling me to knock it off, but always answering my phone calls with, “Hey there National Champion.” He makes me smile and laugh and loves me enough to give me a good kick in the butt when I need it.

The wonderful companies that support me – see left column of this blog – are amazing. I use and believe in the services and gear these companies provide for me. They make some of the best products on the planet and there is no way I would have achieved what I have without them. As this race season quickly ends, I want to offer a huge shout-out and thank you to Hammer Nutrition, Barracuda Swim, Hoka One One, XTERRA Wetsuits, Louis Garneau, Dual Eyewear, Little Red Barn Beef, Active Release Technique Dr. Faye Jones, Valdora Cycles, Skin Strong, Zensah Compression, MACKS Earplugs, XTENEX Laces, Lion Gear and The Stick.

I also love racing with my FCA-Endurance yellow hat on!  FCA-Endurance helps answer the question, “Why do YOU race?”  I race because, to borrow a line, “When I run, I feel God’s pleasure.”  Thank you Lord, for all of this!   Who’s on your team? Be sure to let them know how much they mean to you!

Triathlon an individual sport?  Nah…definitely a TEAM sport. Love my team!